
Qué es realmente vivir?

¿Qué es lo que hace, que una mente que no se ama, se destruya?
Es el no poder decirse: “Con mi propia fuerza yo puedo darme Vida, pero como débil soy, permito que otros, con su forma de ser agresión, me dominen”.

Vivir como un ser que no se ama, no se llama vida. Muere en medio de sus “Yo no puedo” y se consume en medio de lo que es la agresión de quienes le dominan.

Morir y no ser, como un ser que enferma se puede manifestar. Los males que consumen, son los que demuestran que un ser no existe, porque desde que despierta a lo que llaman vida, es un ser que permite que los que le rodean, con su forma de agresión, le destruyan.

Miente el ser que arremete. No cree tampoco en su propia fuerza, porque piensa, que en su forma de agresión, es como puede dominar a otros, porque teme ser él, que lo dominen y en su miedos grita y así, el que es débil, a su forma de agresión, se deja someter y muere.

Una y mil enfermedades hoy al hombre le destruyen. Ya que llora su derrota y con la insana práctica de alimentar su cuerpo con la carne muerta, también de un ser que débil se somete, es como se ha formado una cadena de dolor, que al hombre de hoy, le consume.

Si se conociera el ser que se dice “Piensa”, no lloraría su derrota; amaría al ser que le arremete para comprenderlo y con palabras que puede expresar (si se ama), no sólo se ayuda a sí mismo, sino al ser que con su forma de agresión, le somete.

Vivir es un reto. Conocerse como un ser que “Piensa” y expresarse sin permitir que otros le sometan. No dejar que en su cuerpo anide muerte, consumiendo los cadáveres con los que dice “se alimenta” y no envenenar su cuerpo con el “No puedo”.  Utilizando lo que también a sus pensamientos les consumen, que es el terrible veneno con el que se da a sí mismo muerte.  El tan temido alcohol, que no le permite pensar y le convierte en un ser que tan sólo llora, porque no desea pensar lo que es y lo que siente.

Morir en cada amanecer con los “Hoy no puedo”, consumirse como muerte con los llamados “alimentos que son de muerte” y no poder pensar como ser que se ama, con los “venenos” que el hombre hoy consume y con los que se convierte cada día, en muerte.

"De la Luz, hoy al hombre llega ayuda. Del Amor, hoy al hombre le llega detener la muerte, en la que hoy se dice que cree que vive y es como en un momento de un reconocimiento de lo que se es, es como la Mente de un Padre que les llama les puede dar, lo que a gritos piden y que no le escuchan, ya que no pueden escuchar, porque su derrota hoy lloran".

What do you do, that a mind you don't love is destroyed?

It is not to be said: "with my own strength I can give life, but as weak I am, I allow others, in their form of aggression, to dominate me".

Living like a being that doesn't love, it's not called life. He dies in the middle of his "I cannot" and is consumed in the middle of what is the aggression of those who dominate him.

Dying and not being, like a being sick can manifest itself. The evils they consume are those who show that a being does not exist, because since they wake up to what they call life, it is a being that allows those around him, with his form of aggression, to destroy him.

He's lying about being arrested. He does not believe in his own strength, because he thinks, in his form of aggression, it is how he can dominate others, because he fears to be him, who dominate him and in his fears screams and so, who is weak, in his form of Assault, he lets himself subdue and die.

One and a thousand diseases today the man destroys him. Since he cries his defeat and with the unhealthy practice of feeding his body with dead flesh, also from a being that weak is subjected, it is how a chain of pain has been formed, that today's man consumes him.

If it was known to be "think", he would not cry his defeat; he would love to be arrested to understand him and with words he can express (if he loves), not only help himself, but to be that With his form of aggression, he submits it.

Living is a challenge. To be known as a being "think" and express themselves without allowing others to submit. Do not let in his body nest death, consuming the bodies with which he says " feeds " and not poison his body with " I can't ". using what also his thoughts consume them, which is the terrible poison with the That he gives himself death. The dreaded alcohol, which does not allow him to think and makes him a being that only cries, because he does not want to think what he is and what he feels.

To die at every dawn with the " today I cannot ", consumed as death with so-called " foods that are of death " and not be able to think how to be loved, with the " poisons " that man today consumes and with which It becomes every day, in death.

"From the light, today the man comes help. Of love, today man comes to stop death, in which today it is said that he thinks he lives and is like at a time of recognition of what he is, it's like a father's mind calling them can give them , which they cry for and not listen to him, since they cannot listen, because their defeat today cries".

Recibido por Sara A. Otero Platas García
a través de Telepatía Extrasensorial.

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